Democratic management: challenges and perspectives of the manager


  • Débora Cristina de Sales
  • Luiz Gustavo Galdino
  • Sabrina Civiero Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC Videira
  • Thayná Gabriella Padia


Democratic management, Participation, Functions of the director


The present article is dedicated to the management of democracy and the analysis of the social capital of the SC, since in the decision-making process, the subjects are important. The classroom emphasizing how the school is a space that is beyond the room of school, and how

managers organize this democratic process. As this research instrument was applied with subjective questions so that the results are as close to reality as possible, while the main responsibilities are more relevant to the study of the following questions: What are the main responsibilities of the manager? How to choose the school manager? Who participates in the school meeting? What is teacher training to be a successful manager? Are the parents / Mothers of children are involved in school projects? The results indicate that the lack of interaction with parents and teachers has been causing conflicts in the school environment and that democratic processes are compromised. The administration of the school process is not easy to develop, it is not important on the part of the managers, but it is necessary and must to find for a truly democratic environment and that looks for innovation for a good management.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Civiero, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC Videira

Academica do curso de pedagogia, atua como auxiliar de professora no cmei Nona Verginia em Salto Veloso


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How to Cite

Sales, D. C. de, Galdino, L. G. ., Civiero, S., & Padia, T. G. (2020). Democratic management: challenges and perspectives of the manager. Unoesc & Ciência - ACHS, 10(2), 141–148. Retrieved from